10 Cool Trundle Beds Designs
Trundle beds are a bliss when you are having space issues at your home. These are one of the best space saving furnitures where you get two beds within one floor space. In this case you have twin beds, where one is slightly smaller than the one above and rests on rollers. When you have a guest sleeping over, you can always take out the lower bed from below for a comfortable bedding for your friend. On the other hand, when you don’t need the two beds, you can take out the mattress and fold the lower bed under the upper one. While not in use, the lower bed can also be used as a great storage area for your bedding accessories, clothes and other important things. These beds are available in varied designs- some are even accompanied by extra drawers. Are you too planning trundle bed this time? Well, here are some cool ideas.
1. White Trundle Bed
A trundle bed that has been made attached to a corner of the wall. The bed is in white with a brown bed cover. The cushions and pillows on the bed perfectly match the decor of the room. This room is a good example how well space can be utilized.
2. Dark Wooden Trundle Bed
A dark wooden trundle bed attached to a wall. One entire wall has been used up along with the bed and cupboard that compliment each other. To break the monotone of the room the bed cover, and the cushions are in bright hues. The colorful painting right above the bed adds a lot of drama and color to the room.
3. Double Trundle Beds
The pictures says how well you can design you children room in a cool way without wasting much space. The double trundle beds side by side with a connecting ladder in between is great. The beds are double decked as well as have twin beds. Simple lights and a blue and white combination is just perfect.
4. Low Trundle Designed Bed
The room looks very warm and cozy with all the yellow light set up. The trundle bed has been designed low and is in a very different shade. The unique color is what makes it worth trying. All the pillows and cushions are in shades of brown, beige and similar shades and patterns.
5. White Framed Trundle Bed
A white framed trundle bed with brown cover for the bed that can be pulled out. The mattress for the bed on top is in dark brown. The pillows that have been used are in cylindrical shape and has a colorful striped pattern all over.
6. Sleek and-stylish trundle bed
This room is probably for a baby or a toddler. The extremely low height of the bed and raised border or fencing on two sides for protection. The bed has a mixed pattern of dark and light designs in small and big floral patterns.
7. Snazzy trundle bed design
This one is a little different from the others. The twin bed has been placed at an angle of 90 degrees instead of being placed right under the other. The white and blue puzzle looking floor goes well with the white detailing of the bed.
8. Compact Trundle Bed
A narrow bed in white with borders in dark brown really stands out in all blue room. The bed has a very simple yet appealing structure and look.
9. Vintage Styled Bed
The bed in the picture is a more vintage styled bed with a small storage place on the top. The dark wooden bed with minute detailing here and there is what is making the edge. The drawer like detailing with little knobs for the other bed is great.
10. Simple Structured Pair Of Trundle Beds
This is a simple structured pair of trundle beds with a common ladder that will make you feel well connected to each other- and has similar lamps beside all the four beds providing the room with common grounds.