10 Tiny Kitchen Ideas Photos
Having tiny kitchen design can be the best thing to some or a nightmare to some people. A ting kitchen needs lots of planning when it comes to organising and positioning kitchen items and electrical because there is small space to work with. To set up good furniture in tiny kitchen is easiest thing to do but stacking up multiple things in one single small area makes it claustrophobic and clumsy. So keeping necessity items yet making the place beautiful is the art which you have to learn. The tiny Kitchen Ideas Photos we are showcasing today in the pictures below have different ideas of decorating and organising stuff and storage space .
Each of the kitchens below have kitchen cabinets for storage system, work surfaces for kitchen use , electrical are put in the right positions and areas. They are minimalists too , less stuff equals more space remaining to work with.
1. Contemporary Kitchen Idea
Metallic fridge, white cabinets both up and down fill the entire space. A curved wooden table top with wide glass vase arranged with white tulips is the highlight of the kitchen. A small oven is nestled in one of the areas in between the cabinets and a mixer grinder is kept on the shelf.
2.Eclectic Kitchen Idea
Mini counter sort of kitchen with two shelves- in one microwave and oven is kept on the top and in the lower shelf a stove, tea jug, magenta colored boxes for storing snacks and hangings on which cups, pans, forks and spoons lie. There is another small rack for keeping plates. There is a small sink and in the ground below the lower shelf small refrigerator and plastic boxes are kept.
3.Contemporary kitchen Idea
Light wood cabinets and table top with granite tiles as wall is the idea behind the tiny kitchen. A sink on one of the table is embedded and two bar chairs are kept. There is space for keeping the refrigerator.
4.Eclectic Kitchen Idea
Very modern idea of stacking the refrigerator in the space and keeping the oven on top of the shelf with two mini shelves where the glasses are put is seen. The table top is granite based with knives and forks arranged on a rack. Two cupboards are in built in the wall.
5.Contemporary Patio Kitchen Idea
Open kitchen or a garden kitchen as it can be called is very stylish with steel cabinets. Bushes near the kitchen and two tiny cresses on top of the table is placed which makes it look completely beautiful.
6.Modern Kitchen Idea
Kitchen cum drawing room with bright colours- be it the rack of the wine of bottles, cups, plates, jars and whole lot of things kept in the shelf gives a colorful picture. A light hangs from the top. The flooring is wooden.
7.Traditional Kitchen Idea
White cabinets with black gas and stove, a chimney and round small lights fitted on the ceiling give it a subtle look. The flooring is wooden with two rugs kept on two sides. There are many drawers in which the things are kept.
8.Midcentury Kitchen Idea
Pretty white cabinets fitted in the kitchen with oranges arranged in a steel basket kept on the shelf are a delight and makes it a summer kitchen. Three orange and white jars are arranged in three different sizes.
9.White And Brown Wooden Traditional Kitchen Idea
Wooden flooring with wooden cabinet is the highlight of the tiny kitchen. It does not look like a kitchen just with a sink attached to the shelf you can say that it is may be a snack bar.
10.Grey Contemporary Kitchen Idea
Plastic based yet polished cabinets, shelves and drawers with steel refrigerator, chimney and microwave and recipe books arranged in one of the shelves is soothing to the eyes.