10 Swimming Pool Glass Tiles Ideas

Swimming Pool Glass Tile  make the swimming pool look all the more transparent. You can have almost all kinds of sizes of glass tiles. The tiles have got a design or some are plain. Depending on your choice you can construct the tiles or buy it ready made and get it installed.

The tiles are attractive pieces which when put give a different meaning to the structure. Sometimes the inside tiles of the pool are such that it looks as if the water is of the same colour. The tiles are vibrant or of mono colour which forms the boundary of the swimming pool.

Here are some of the great ideas of swimming pool glass tiles , hope you like them:-

1. Swimming Pool With Granite Tiles Of Maroon Pebbled

Granite tiles of maroon pebbled is constructed all over the swimming pool
Granite tiles of maroon pebbled is constructed all over the swimming pool. The staircase which leads you inside of the swimming pool also has the same coloured tiles. Bordering the swimming pool area is another dirty white colour hard stone.

2. Minute Box Like Structures Of Blue Colour

Minute box like structures of blue colour looks like a disco glass piece
Minute box like structures of blue colour looks like a disco glass piece. The tiles are hard and when light is shone on it, it shines bright giving a luminous effect. The side tile of the flooring is rugged.

3. Check Tiles Of Orange And Black Combined With Blue

The side tile is of off white colour

Image source: Cipriano
Granite tile which is off light black colour is built up forming a high structure on one pedestal and then on the other. A big glass like wall also stands in one corner.

5. Check Tiles Of Dark Blue Colour In The Miniature Form

Check tiles of dark blue colour in the miniature form makes the place completely dark blue
Check tiles of dark blue colour in the miniature form makes the place completely dark blue. The side view also has creme colour soft variety of tile son the flooring and along the second border of the pool.

6. Check Shaped Miniature Blue Colour Tiles

Round shaped high well like structure of the in-built swimming pool
Round shaped high well like structure of the in- built swimming pool has the same check shaped miniature blue colour tiles. In the lower grid a black colour round soft granite is built. Lots of stones and boulders border the swimming pool area.

7. Azure Colour Small Tiles Makes A Small Wall Like Structure

White chalk marbled tiles form the boundary of the swimming pool
Azure colour small tiles makes a small wall like structure from where an opening is placed that gives out water into the blue pool. White chalk marbled tiles form the boundary of the swimming pool.

8. White Hard And Blue Coloured Tiles


White hard tiles form the boundary whereas the inside of the pool has blue coloured tiles
White hard tiles form the boundary whereas the inside of the pool has blue coloured tiles formed in a decorative design pattern. Elaborate structures with hard and sturdy materials give a royal look to the place.

9. Swimming Pool With Normal White Colour Tiles

Normal white colour tiles form the rectangular boundary with oval shaped stairs
Normal white colour tiles form the rectangular boundary with oval shaped stairs which goes inside and in one corner.A crescent shaped structure is embedded having small glass tiles fitted in colours.

10. Half Purple And Half Blue Colour Tiles Inside The Swimming Pool

Tiles make a great combination inside the swimming pool

Image source : Cipriano Inground Swimming Pools NJ

Half purple and half blue colour tiles make a great combination inside the swimming pool. The colour that is shone makes the picture all the more perfect. In the corner black granite forms the boundary of the curved space.