10 Provencal Kitchen Design Ideas
A kitchen is a good place for preparing food and for storing all the necessary kitchen appliances needed therefore you can maintain your kitchen by using different furniture arrangement for easy cleaning and work on,stunning color schemes and different decorations to make the kitchen look colorful and outstanding.
The collection of Provencal Kitchen Design Ideas below have different cabinets, stunning color schemes that makes the rooms look more colorful. They have cabinets arrangement in each kitchen, islands and some have no islands, all the appliances are hidden. In some kitchens the floor is made up of tiles and in other kitchens the floor is made up of wood.
1.White Contemporary Kitchen Design Idea
A white contemporary kitchen idea with an island that has flowers on top,white cabinet,all the appliances are hidden,the floor is made up wood,the wall is made up of glasses with green vegetation seen from outside view on the other side of the room which adds up color this kitchen and the door is made up of wood.
2.Grey,White And Yellow Kitchen Design Idea
This kitchen has grey,white and yellow color schemes that makes the room look stunning and outstanding.This kitchen has a wide floor space big enough that it combines a kitchen and a dining area into one,the cabinet is in white with wooden work tops,a white comfortable L shaped sofa with contemporary dining chairs set around a dining wooden table.
3.Contemporary Kitchen With A White Top Cabinet
This kitchen has a cabinet with V pull out storage where all the appliances are stored and has a white work top.The color of fruits in a plate and of the appliances add up color to this kitchen,the floor is in cream and everything in this kitchen are contemporary.
4.Contemporary Kitchen With A Wooden Cabinet
A contemporary kitchen with cream cabinet where all the appliances are stored and the work tops are wooden,the wall is painted in cream,the roof has a ceiling,the floor is wood and the color of the spices add up color to this kitchen for it to look more colorful and stunning.
5.Cream Contemporary Kitchen Design Idea
This kitchen is in cream from the ceiling to the cabinet,all the appliances are hidden,the floor and an island are all made up of the wood.There is a contemporary window on the other side of the room that brings in lots of natural day light and for when it is dark.This is right design for a small kitchen.
6.White And Black Kitchen Design Idea With An Island
This kitchen is in white from the roof to the floor tiles and it has an island and cabinet that are made up of wood both with granite work tops.All the appliances are hidden for the room to look smart therefore,the wooden parts and flowers dominate color to this kitchen and lights makes this room look bright for when it is dark.
7.Red And Wooden Contemporary Kitchen Design Idea
This kitchen looks good with a red shaker,the cabinets are made up of wood with soapstone work tops,the floor is made up of soapstone tiles,the chairs are set around a table attached to the cabinet and there is a window on the other side of the room.
8.Cream And White Contemporary Kitchen Design Idea
A contemporary kitchen idea with a white island,this kitchen is in cream from the roof to the floor tiles therefore,a comfortable red sofa,green flowers and vegetation seen from outside view where the wall is made up of glasses add up color to this room.
9.Traditional Kitchen Design Idea
This kitchen has a green closet made up of wooden from the inside,the floor is wooden and things that are stored in it add up color to this room.This closet is good to a small kitchen because you can stole a lot of things used in the kitchen room.
10.Traditional Kitchen Design Idea With Wooden Cabinets
In this kitchen,the cabinets are made up of wood and it has many storage,the floor is made up of tiles,the spices that are stored in this open closet add up color this kitchen for it to look more colorful and stunning.